My First Time with JavaScript

Michael Salerno
2 min readJan 29, 2022

We have all heard of the programming language JavaScript — but not many of us knew much about it. This was always the language that everyone talked about and I would always see in all of the coding videos I watched before starting at Flatiron School. I was very nervous to go from Ruby on Rails to JavaScript — I wasn’t sure what to think or how hard it may be. Although it is complicated, it definitely is not as complicated as I once thought.

I made a simple To Do List using JavaScript as the frontend and Rails on the backend. A user would be able to make a list of things they needed to do — sounds very simple right? Well it wasn’t as simple as one would assume! There was a few snags I hit while creating this web application — one of which was that I completely forgot that my attributes for each new List were nested under Data then Attributes. This gave me a huge headache as I was completely overlooking the nested path my backend Rails API took. After an hour or so of sifting through my code making sure there were no other errors, I was able to see that I nested the title, description, and category under Attributes. A small little hiccup but took a little while to figure out!

I quite enjoyed making my project in JavaScript — although I am far from an expert on this programming language. I feel we are able to do much more with this language as opposed to Ruby on Rails. I will definitely be making another project or two in JavaScript before I graduate from Flatiron to really solidify my knowledge and attentiveness to this language. I felt it was a bit harder to use Bootstrap with JavaScript as opposed to using it with Rails. I kept having the issue of the Categories not being shown or them all being shown at once. A few YouTube videos later and I was able to correct this issue and now have a completely functional application.

